playstation 5 console fortnite

What to Expect from Fortnite on PS5

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The PS5 has been out in the wild for some time now. You’re likely wondering what’s in store for Fortnite on the next-gen Sony console. Find out more about PS5

What to Expect from Fortnite on PS5?

PlayStation PS5 Console – God of War Ragnarök Bundle

PlayStation PS5 Console – God of War Ragnarök Bundle | See

Playstation 5 (PS5) is the newest and most advanced gaming console from Sony Interactive Entertainment.

This console features a powerful 8-core AMD Zen 2 processor, 10.28 teraflops of graphics power and ultra-fast SSD storage.

The PS5 also supports ray tracing which allows for stunningly realistic visuals and lighting effects. The console also has a 4K Blu-ray drive, allowing gamers to enjoy the latest movies and shows in 4K.

It has stunning graphics capabilities, excellent sound quality, and a faster processor than the previous version of PS4.

One of the most popular titles available on the PlayStation 5 is Fortnite. This battle-royale-style game has become one of the most played titles on the console. And it is no wonder why. With its intense gameplay, unique graphics, and exciting challenges, it is an incredibly popular choice for gamers of all ages.

screenshot fortnite map season 10
Map of Fortnite season 10

The game can be accessed through the PlayStation Store. The system also allows for cross-platform play, allowing players on PlayStation to play against players on other platforms.

The PlayStation 5 also has a range of extra features such as voice chat and the ability to save your game. This allows you to pick up where you left off and continue playing at any time.

PlayStation 5 Controllers

The PlayStation 5 also has a range of controllers available, which are perfect for playing Fortnite.

The DualSense controller offers an immersive experience.

The adaptive triggers allow players to feel the tension of the bow and arrow, while haptic feedback gives a tactile sensation of gunfire and explosions. The controller also features a built-in microphone and speaker, allowing players to communicate with their teammates easily.

There are also wireless controllers and other accessories available, so you can tailor your gaming experience to your needs.

The PS5 also includes a built-in streaming feature, allowing players to share their Fortnite experiences with friends and family. The console’s powerful hardware allows for smooth, lag-free streaming, and players can easily upload their highlights to social media. The PS5 also has the ability to record gameplay and share it with the world.

Graphics Enhancements

Right out the gate, Fortnite takes full advantage of the PS5’s Boost Mode to deliver a silky smooth 120 frames per second performance at 4K resolutions.

PlayStation 5 Console CFI-1102A

PlayStation 5 Console CFI-1102A | See

Since it’s not the most graphically intensive game, Fortnite is probably one of the smoothest-running games on PS5 at the moment.

What’s more, the split-screen runs at 60 fps which is quite impressive.

  • The PS5 fully supports UE5 so that means you can expect the game to look better than ever next year. There was even a tech demonstration of Unreal Engine 5 running on PS5 hardware that looked absolutely stunning. It’s safe to say that Fortnite will look its best on next-gen hardware.
  • The PS5 is also capable of Ray tracing, a technology that enables advanced lighting techniques that makes games look brilliant. Fortnite is confirmed to be receiving this graphics enhancement on PC soon. It’s not a stretch to expect this to be the case for PS5 as well.
  • On top of all of this, Fortnite on next-gen will show improvements to water reflections, subtle shadows, cooler smoke and liquid effects as well as all-new storm and cloud effects.

PS5 and loading speed

PlayStation DualSense Wireless Controller

PlayStation DualSense Wireless Controller | See

The PS5 has a pretty snazzy set of features which we’ve covered in a previous article on PS4 vs PS5.

One of the most important ones is the console’s breakneck loading speeds. This is possible thanks to the PS5’s incredibly fast custom SSD drive.

Overall, the PlayStation 5 is an excellent choice for playing Fortnite. With its powerful hardware, range of features, and exclusive controllers, you can enjoy a seamless and immersive gaming experience.

The console’s features also make it easy to share your gaming experiences with others.

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